Why Did We Write The Wealth Edit Guidebook?

Mar 17, 2022

Since our beginnings on March 8, 2020—what a time to launch, right?!—our goal has always been to have every woman we encounter eventually be able to confidently say “I’m good with money.”


In that vein, we’ve created course offerings like All the Single Ladies (geared towards women on a single income), Financial Minimalism, Comeback Theory, Investing 101, and our newest offering, First Generation Wealth.


Members have access to weekly Wealth Edit Wednesday meetups, where they learn life lessons from successful, powerhouse women. (These meetups are later distributed as a podcast, The Wealth Edit Podcast.)


Not all women’s needs are the same, so The Wealth Edit designed personalized Glidepaths, seven distinct trajectories designed to teach women more about themselves and connect them with women on a similar path.


In August 2021, we had the absolute honor of winning Alabama Launchpad and a $50,000 investment, which we have used to kickstart new offerings like the upcoming Weekend with The Wealth Edit (next month!) and The Wealth Edit Guidebook, which you made an e-book bestseller last weekend. The print edition will come out next month, released alongside our first-ever weekend workshop.


So why did we write the book? Let our cofounders tell you.


“At The Wealth Edit, we strive for a world where every woman can be ‘Good with Money,’” said cofounder Lauren Pearson, who is also a Certified Financial Planner for Somerset Advisory. “This book is a way to start that conversation, laid out beautifully in an aesthetically pleasing way. In addition to practical tools all women can use, this book is full of stories of some of the most inspiring women we’ve ever met, each of whom has an important lesson to teach about personal finance.”


The book is filled with succinct tips on how to wade through the often-confusing world of personal finance, and features worksheets where readers can practically apply the lessons to their own lives and create their own wealth framework.


“Whether readers go through the book cover to cover or just open to any random page for wisdom and inspiration, we hope that each page is filled with ways our readers can get closer to being ‘Good with Money’—and the first step towards that is starting the conversation around it,” said cofounder Emily Lassiter, a former attorney who is now a Financial Advisor at Somerset Advisory. “It has been taboo and tacky for too long for women, especially Southern women, to talk about money. We’re working to change that, and this book is a pivotal step towards that goal.”


Why is it taboo and tacky for women to talk about personal finance? Why do we leave investing, stocks, bonds, and the heavy-hitting financial stuff to the men? At The Wealth Edit, we’re here to make personal finance a women’s game, and, with The Wealth Edit Guidebook, we lay out succinctly practical tips all women can use, case studies from some of the most inspirational women we know, and we wrap it all up in a beautifully laid out format that will add oomph to your coffee table.


Are you ready to become good with money?


This is the book for you.